40 years of religious life of sr. Immaculata Lui

On June 27th the community of Camberwell celebrated together with Sr. Immaculata Lui her 40th anniversary of religious profession. Sister Immaculata shares her thoughts on her forty-year journey through religious life experience:

As we are celebrating the Centennial Year of our Congregation, I rejoice in thanksgiving with deep gratitude to the Lord for the gift of my religious vocation as a Sister Disciple of the Divine Master. Being able to share God’s love with others and being overcome by His love for me personally are two of the greatest joys of living out my religious life. 

First and foremost, I’d like to thank my beloved parents, both are deceased, for the gift of life and for bestowing upon me the gift of faith. I was born into a family full of love and hope, and their faith gave me the gift of joy. This is where my calling began: in my natural family, where daily prayers and Sunday Mass were a priority.

My life’s journey begins when I enter the postulant stage, continues through the novitiate, first profession, final vows, and today 40 years of religious life which I repeat with gratitude by saying to this divine calling; “Rejoice always in the Lord and again I say rejoice”. I am humbled by the joy of the people I ministered to, and the blessings they shared with me are very enlightening and enriching.

The goal in my vocation was my yes to the Lord, who has called me to the Religious Life in the Congregation of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master. The affirmation of my “yes” symbolises my dedication to fulfilling God’s divine purpose. Life encompasses love, sacrifice, both positive and negative experiences, as well as periods of illness and well-being. However, it is through the power of love, hope, and faith that I discovered the goal I had been pursuing. Of course, there were difficulties and conflicts, but I was able to achieve as much wholeness as any other individual in this lifetime. This act of selflessly giving up one’s own desires and needs has resulted in a state of happiness and satisfaction in the service of the Lord who has called me to labour in His vineyard. The deeper connection to my faith and the Church, the knowledge I gained about myself and the skills I have developed, all for the benefit of my mission with lasting value.

These were among the most joyful, purifying, transforming 40 years of my religious life. The Lord not only deepened my conversion through this 40 years of my religious experience, but also proceeded to shower me with His loving care. The guiding of the Holy Spirit continue to planted seeds of my calling in faithfully living out the charism of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master and of our Pauline Family’s spirituality. The consistent life of prayer before the Eucharistic Lord in Adoration is the backbone of my vocation. It is an amazing gift that sustained and allowed me to dive deeply into my mission.

I’d want to convey my gratitude to all of the sisters for challenging each other in love, hope, and faith on our daily journey together. Also, to my parents (RIP), sisters, brothers, families, and friends. A significant joy in religious life is being overwhelmed by God’s love for me and being able to share that love with others. This delight also takes into account the sisters’ presence at important family events and when planning family gatherings. I, like St. Paul said; “It is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me.” Amen

Assured of my prayers and God bless us all.

In Jesus our Master

Sr. Immaculata Lui