On the 9th of February, the vigil of the Foundation Day, our community in Strathfield (NSW) had the joy of witnessing the third renewal of vows of sr. Lalamea Vaohea. We were blessed by the presence of sr. Bernardita Meráz Sotelo, general superior, and sr. Kanikai Mary, general counsellor, in visit to our communities in Australia. Sr. Lalamea’s brother, deacon Ano, was present for the occasion, travelling all the way from their native Tonga. We were glad to have him with us for this beautiful occasion.
On the 10th of February, our two sisters, Gabriella Sala (community of Strathfield, NSW) and Bernadette Alofa (community of Camberwell, Vic), celebrated their 40th anniversary of religious consecration.
February the 10th is a special day for us, Sister Disciples. Exactly 101 years ago, in Alba (a small town of the Cuneo region in Northern Italy) a short in stature but great in spirit priest, Fr. James Alberione, initiated his third religious congregation, with a little group of eight young women willing to spend their lives for the glory of God. They are to be a part of the ensemble of five religious congregations and five institutes for lay people called Pauline Family which has a single mission: to live and to give Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life to the world, by proclaiming Him with all the means of social communication and publishing, the beauty and Liturgy, pastoral work and vocational discernment.
Since the 10th of February 1924, the Congregation of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master has spread throughout the world to some 30 countries, in all the continents. The Founder’s missionary thrust, inspired by the spirit of St. Paul the Apostle, motivated many young men and women to go with little or no provisions to spread the pauline mission, trusting in the Founder’s words “I have neither silver nor gold, but I give you what I have: Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life.”
Even today there are generous and open hearts. In different parts of the world there are young women who say “Yes” to following Jesus Master as his Disciples by renewing their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience according to the Rule of Life of the Institute.
We wish them all a joyful perseverance and a fruitful mission!