
As Christians, in virtue of our baptism, we have received a call to follow Christ and to proclaim his Gospel in the world and, together with the entire People of God, we have become missionary disciples (cf. Mt 28:19).
With religious vocation, we are called to offer our entire being to God and place our life at the service of God and of the Church in accordance with the specific mission of the Institute.
Our life of discipleship is an ongoing free response to the attraction of Jesus Christ, through listening to the Word of God, prayer, the sacraments, study, and all the circumstances of life. Our aim is a complete configuration in Him who is the Way, Truth and Life, until we reach the aim to which St. Paul points: «it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me» (Gal 2:20).
The maturation in one’s vocation is called formation and refers to the gradual process in which our mind, will, heart and physical strength are transformed to think, desire and love as Jesus does.
Our journey of consecrated life is marked by various stages of growth:
Vocational Discernment: The period whereby the person becomes aware of being called to the consecrated life.
Postulancy: Period of deepening the call of God and of knowing the PDDM Congregation better.
Novitiate: The time when the novice studies the deeper significance of consecrated life and experiences the community life and mission of the Institute. This is followed by the profession of the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience according to the PDDM Rule of Life.
Juniorate: The stage of further deepening of consecrated life whereby priority is given to the integration of one’s spiritual, intellectual and apostolic experience up to the point when the person is ready to make the perpetual vows.
Continuing Formation: A global and integral process which aims to arrive at a deeper maturity of “life in Christ” and a deeper commitment to his mission of bringing God’s care and compassion to all.
If our vision and mission touch you and you would like to know more about the life of a Disciple of the Divine Master, please contact us or the Vocations Director: nswvoc@pddm.org.au or vicvoc@pddm.org.au